Research & Development
We partner with research institutions to validate and test our products among diverse patient populations.
Research Trials
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Perioperative Immunonutrition in Colorectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery (PERIOP-02)
Hamilton Health Sciences
PeRioperative Optimization With Nutritional Supplements for Patients Undergoing GastRointEStinal Surgery for Cancer (PROGRESS)
Hamilton Health Sciences
Perioperative Immunonutrition in Patients Undergoing Gynecologic or General Elective Surgery (PURPOSE)
University of Calgary
Pragmatic Prehabilitation for Colorectal Surgery (TRIMODAL PREHAB CR)
University of Manitoba
PROTein to Enhance outComes of (Pre)Frail paTients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery (PROTECT-CS)
University of Toronto
Prehab for Surgery
McGill University Health Centre/Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Prehabilitation in Esophageal Cancer Care
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
The HepatoPancreaticoBiliary Resection Arginine Immunomodulation (PRIMe) Trial
McMaster University
Aminoacidemia and Protein Kinetics in Response to the Ingestion of Plant-based Protein Blends (PBP)
Northwell Health, New York
Patient Perception of Preoperative Nutrition and Recovery After Orthopaedic Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
Preoperative Oral Hydration in the Ambulatory Arthroplasty Population
University Health Network, Toronto
Prehabilitation to Improve Cancer Surgery Outcomes in AYA Patients With Extremity Sarcomas (PICaSO-ES)
St. Michael's Hospital
Gastric Emptying of Maltodextrin versus Phytoglycogen Carbohydrate Solutions in Healthy Volunteers: A Quasi-Experimental Study
St. Joseph's Health Centre Toronto
Prospective Trial Of Osmolar Protocol Solution on Colonoscopy Outcomes and Patient Experience (POOPSCOPE)
University Health Network, Toronto
PRehab tO PreparE Living Liver Donors for Enhanced Recovery (PROPELLER)
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
The STRIVE Before Surgery Trial (STRIVE)
University of Alberta
Online Prehabilitation for Patients Awaiting Liver Transplantation (OPAL)
McGill University Health Centre
The PREHAAAB Trial: Multimodal Prehabilitation for Patients Awaiting Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair